GameChanger App
QVSB uses GameChanger for communication and scheduling our practices and games with our players and their families.
A few important notes for all families and coaches using the GameChanger app:
Always update your app to the latest released version. If you experience any issues, this is the first thing you should check. Sometimes uninstalling and reinstalling the app helps as well.
Be sure you use the same email address for both GameChanger and SportsConnect website (where you register your kids to play.) Otherwise your kids and their teams will not automatically show up in the GameChanger app.
If you are logged into the GameChanger app but do not have family access to your child's team to be able to RSVP to events or see messages, have your team's coach follow these steps:
If you are setup as a fan, remove your fan access.
Go into the team list, and click on the player in question.
Click on Contacts across the top of the window.
Add the parent's email address that they use to log into GameChanger as a contact.
After the parent closes and reopens the app, they should now have family access for their child.